Un estudio publicado en Science Advances revela que ms de 1.000 ros son responsables del 80% de los macroplsticos que llegan a los ocanos.
Filipinas, India y Malasia lideran la lista de los mayores contaminantes, con ros que transportan toneladas de desechos plsticos diariamente.
Contrario a la creencia popular, no son solo los grandes ros los culpables, sino tambin ros pequeos en zonas densamente pobladas y islas tropicales.
La falta de gestin adecuada de residuos y el crecimiento urbano descontrolado agravan esta crisis ambiental.
Sin medidas urgentes, nuestros mares se ahogarn en plstico.
Es imperativo implementar polticas efectivas para frenar esta catstrofe ecolgica antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Ms informacin
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Lithuania Weather Nation / World AP news of the day
Portugal Daily Life World
Venetian charm: tranquil canals, timeless beauty.From waste land to parklands
Out-of-control invasive species has met its match: Cute and hungry
states are spending millions to protect their inland from . In some places, otters are just eating them.
Serbia Orthodox Epiphany World
The banks of Jordo river, in Acre, Brazil, as it looks like in July. This waterway, home to several Huni Kuin communities, gets completely flooded during the rainy season.Serbia Weather Nation % World AP news of the day
Serbia Pollution Nation % World AP news of the day
Trump cant take back the Panama Canal on his own
Wanna help make of from now includes a first attempt at data export for you.
read more:
I'd like people to try it out and give me feedback on that data, how it's structured, etc. Is this the best format/layout
Share the maps you make please.
Government has broken the law on sewage, says watchdog
The government and regulators have broken the law by being too lenient on water companies that spill , the UK's watchdog has found.
The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) said sewage releases should only be allowed in exceptional circumstances, such as during unusually heavy rainfall, but that "this has not always been the case".
Morning Watcher
A hierarchy on the water and on the roads
Paddleboarder has been cut in half by fossil fueled powered tinnie.>>
"Dozens of native birds and flying foxes have been killed by acute lead poisoning in the South Australian regional town of Port Pirie, with contamination fears in the town that is home to one of the worlds largest lead smelters."
Gov. Kevin Stitt fires Ken McQueen, a member of his administration, b/c of his court appearance as a plaintiff in a long-standing lawsuit over waste from chicken farms like 's leading to high phosphorus & E. coli in state .
What a guy.
Moving narroboat
That will bring in posts you might be interested in. From the posts you see you can then begin to follow the people that post other stuff of interest.
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I'm sure you get the picture
on .
This is part of the & forests in the valley. The area is under ongoing threats by industrial . This is near provincial park.
The forests here are longtime foraging, mating & birthing grounds for the Roosevelt elk herd. The San Juan is an important salmon bearing river. The old growth forests here are home to several & .
There is ongoing eco activism work to try & protect more of the forests & in this valley on Southern .
Houseboats on the Ottawa River. (Also rocks and motorboats.)
Hard times for London Boaters.
The Canal and River Trust is pushing ahead with plans to gentrify the London canal network by pushing off the itinerant 'live aboard' boaters through increased licence fees and adding extra charges and prohibitions for moorings.
This is a targeted assault on waterway communities, replacing peoples homes with 'leisure opportunities'
A licence strike looms
The waters were so calm this afternoon. It was like glass. The beautiful is part of our local essential / . It is a fish bearing, salmon bearing local .
October 19, 2016. Oulu, Finland. Nikon D3200, AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II.A visit back to middle England for me this week. It's nice to see friends and family but I don't enjoy the crowds, costs and stresses, which are somewhat alien to me living in rural Spain. What England does have though is an interesting, beautiful and historical network of canal waterways. A heritage from its industrial past. Here's a couple of shots from a short walk I did today with
who got a slap on the wrist for unreported massive spills of tailings into in northern from the dirty project now wants to bully regulators in the . is a menace in too many ways.
If you want a walk for , this from Esholt in takes some beating. Woodland, canal section and a sewage works (dont be put off). Details at
You really do realize that youre achieving something, McGrath said. Hopefully, this is just the start of many more things to come.
Summer 2000. Kuhmo, Finland. Wirgin Edixa Prismat, Porst Weitwinkel 1:3.5/35mm, IFI 200 film.Queensland's Mary River is home to unique Australian species. Data provided suggests the river is facing a new and potentially devastating threat
"Across the world, are slowly being re-wiggled, to return them to their natural course. In the UK, the rewards are starting to pay off, with fish, birds and invertebrates flocking back to rivers in Cumbria and West Sussex."
June 14, 2023. Oulu, Finland. Nikon D780, AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G.Britain Introduces New Law to Crack Down on Water Execs Who Pollute Waterways
"fishermen in S Songkhram filed a w Bangkok South Civil Court against Foods, seeking over THB2.4 bil in for damage caused by spread of in e province.. plaintiffs req'd be ordered to rehabilitate affected under principle.. Lawyers Council, on behalf of fish farmers & fishermen, also filed a lawsuit w Central Admin Court against agencies & top officials for "
4/5 golden hour Metz
Another shot with from an evening walk in in June.
2/5 golden hour Metz
Another shot from an evening walk around with a reflection bonus.