
Rough Seas and Cloudy Skies

Rough Seas and Cloudy Skies

My map for the (Black & White, only two colors allowed). Shows waterways and boundary data for India. Thankful for and for hosting and serving accessible data.

Rust and Waves

Lone Gull

It was flying sideways with the wind

Irrigators in have withdrawn the equivalent of 16,000 Olympic swimming pools worth of over their allowed limits from throughout the state.


Theres a Big Problem With Your Cars Tires
"Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency formally acknowledged the ecological damage wreaked by tire pollution. The agency announced that it would investigate the toxicity of 6PPD, a necessary step toward a potential ban on its widespread use in tire manufacturing. According to knowledgeable people I checked with, this is the first time that a federal agency has formally considered tires ecological harm. At long last, the U.S. is thinking beyond the tailpipe to examine hidden ways that cars befoul the planet."

To Fight Microplastic Pollution, EU Needs Strong Tyre Emissions Legislation

"Every year, about two billion tyres are produced worldwide."
"EVs have about 20 per cent higher tyre wear emissions because they're typically 400kgs heavier."

Jungle Temple of Tiger Monks

Hidden within the lush jungle is a sacred temple where tiger monks meditate amidst enchanted waterways Animals flock to witness the holy site guarded by mythical creatures' hideouts
See More Seeds:


'Thames Water sewage discharges in Berkshire during Storm Ciaran'

'Thames Water says it plans to spend some 1.6 billion on upgrading its infrastructure. But it was also reported earlier this year to be struggling to pay off some 14 billion of debt and has been criticised for paying millions of pounds in dividends each year to its internal shareholders.'

Kevin Dale, Right Homes in the Right Place, on X

This is what the looks like.

We need to look at

Did you know that raw sewage is being dumped into English waterways the equivalent of 800 times a day Water companies treat our blue spaces like an open sewer. Meanwhile government and regulators continue to turn a blind eye. This needs to stop. If you're like me and agree that PM Rishi Sunak should take action to stop sewage pollution in UK rivers and beaches, can you add your name

'England to diverge from EU water monitoring standards'

No doubt a reaction to

Ramblings: 24th July 2023.
Findern, Trent and Mersey Canal.

Many lights, crossing the Merwedecanal in Utrecht


The , aka the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, encompasses a striking mosaic of landscapes, from Arctic and to and . What's more, it's home to awe-inspiring and iconic , including and herds.

This one-of-a-kind place must be protected for good.


Petition: Demand Norfolk Southern Complete a Full and Thorough Cleanup of Waterways

Restoring is an Everything, Everywhere, All at Once mitigation strategy that works.

Removing and allowing to resume their normal flows increases the numbers of native species and overall health of the .

Replacing power with far less intrusive and destructive sources, like smartly deployed , can result in a net gain of environmental health and change reduction.

Water Town of Zhouzhuang, China

I hadn't seen a Giant Freshwater Crayfish for 2 months, which is a bit unusual. However, yesterday I found this medium-sized one turning rocks over & snacking on whatever was underneath (probably plant-matter).

Just look at those colours!

Otter Creek in Western ADKs.

Stoney Beach

Be on and off a bit this week, looking are Kar due to Covid.

'...Michael Gove, made a further concession to the builders cause. To ease the pain of an end to rural building targets, he introduced an amendment to a levelling up bill that would absolve housebuilders from polluting local watercourses. Even Tory peers would not stand for that, and it was given short shrift in the House of Lords on Wednesday.'

Let's concentrate the minds of over-compensated Water company execs making bonuses out of poop in rivers and on beaches. EVER WONDER WHERE IT ENDS UP AFTER YOU FLUSH
Enter your postcode or click on the map to find your poo...

One of the Five Combines of the Feeder Canal

Alternatively, the Government could have made sewage companies improve water treatment capabilities years ago.

'Britain will ease some environmental rules for housebuilders'

'The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, a once-staid organisation that is increasingly activist, tweeted that official assurances about environmental protection were a lie.'

More wild Atlantic salmon found in U.S. rivers than any time in the past decade

My latest new work is ready for 16/17 September. This is "Light at the End..." of Gregory tunnel on the Canal.

Bit by bit, microplastics from tires are polluting our waterways

Farmers say there will be 'massive ramifications' over decision to cut nitrate derogation limit
<< some of those ramifications include: the water quality improving. You know the thing Irish Farmers promised the EU if they received the derogation - the thing which year on year they failed to deliver.

The EPA site ( ) spells it out, change in Irish farming is long overdue.

'Tire wear and tear revealed as a major contributor to waterway pollution'

'Many people would think understandably due to it being the focus of much recent research that when it comes to cars, the biggest cause of pollution is exhaust. But, in fact, wear and tear on tires has been shown to produce more particle pollution by mass.'

In February 2021, the Lot river in France was in full winter flood. 21 boats broke their moorings - and someone was there to film the destruction.
This video is strangely compelling.

Hmmm, did the office of MP Chris Loder instigate the investigation of two locals who separately raise the issue of the enabling the dumping of untreated waste into and Or is this the "police must investigate every report" policy being put in place

After the forced england to apologise or lose charity status, the also stepped in on the happening on our , and
A petition (not much use I know but it's something) from to hold the to account.
Need 100k and over 87k right now - make it higher if you can.
Perhaps some in might sign.

RSPB apologises for calling government ministers liars.

They say they were frustrated and criticised the people not the policy.

As a charity the RSPB risks losing its charitable status if it becomes involved in political campaigning.

No doubt the right wing press will jump on this opportunity to silence the RSPB and its 11 million members.

Absolute madness that solely benefits business interests and real estate developers. Thankfully, in Oregon, we have stringent laws on the books preventing this idiotic rollback by the Supreme Court. The whole world is falling apart ecologically, and America is just out here wagging its proverbial dick for pollution.

: to , guard against multiple forms of , give communities a reprieve from hazardous , and heal a long of

found in 76% of sampled. Scientists with the first set out in 2019 to sample 161 as a way of finding potential sources of from 33 different compounds of the forever chemicals." in the

done with a 5 mile dander .

What a cool video. Moving a floating bog (which is a thing!) by boat!

Numaligarh Refinery and the Inland Waterways Authority of India have joined forces through a MoU to utilize the National Waterways-2

In the UK, August has presented us with quite a lot of 'weather'! However, it has meant the continuation of rich greens and some very treasurable moments.
Join us tonight for 'An August-coloured Evening.'

British car number plate