
Toxic run-off from not monitored, BBC

Toxic run-off from not monitored, BBC finds

By Jonah Fisher
1st February 2024

"A toxic mix of oil, chemicals and bits of tyre tires from roads is polluting English and no-one is regularly monitoring it, the BBC has found.

"Heavy rain forces run-off into streams and rivers. Campaigners say it causes 'absolutely horrific' damage in places, including just downstream of where The is filmed.

"'s major road network has more than 18,000 outflows or drains.

"National Highways runs the network and says it's working to improve them.

"Responsibility for monitoring water pollution in England rests with the Environment Agency.

"In response to a BBC News freedom of information request, it said that the agency did not regularly monitor run-off, though it did test for pollutants from roads as part of its general water monitoring.

"The EA said it recognised that run-off from highways and urban areas was a 'serious issue' accounting for 18% of water quality failures in England, and the third most damaging source of water pollution after agriculture and sewage.

"Campaigners have been doing their own testing and told the BBC they had found micro-plastics, heavy metals, toxic chemicals like arsenic and carcinogenic compounds from car tyres.

"Prof Alex Ford, an expert on the impact of water pollution on aquatic organisms at the University of Portsmouth, said that some of the contaminants are known to damage DNA, impact the nervous system and cause cancer.

"'We don't fully understand the impact these contaminants have as a cocktail but we know they can be toxic to aquatic life and potentially contribute to the poor ecological status of some rivers,' he said."

Read more:

Australian Ships

Water canals have played an important role in shaping the global economy and the functioning of societies for centuries. They support local and international water transportation and facilitate the daily movement of ships. We present a list of the worlds most famous water canals, which are not only engineering marvels, but also important elements of local economics and history.

Mondays Friday Reads 29 January 2024

New feature on : End points of rivers, with upstream length total <>

In , we map waterways as lines. WWM: Ends uses the direction of river flow, showing points where waterways end. This is normal when it enters the sea, but could be a mistake!

Uniquely, it calculates the total length of all waterways that end at that point.

Have fun: <>

This wandering meander in takes in many interesting features, including the famous Bingley Five Rise Locks on the Leeds/Liverpool Canal, River Aire, Goit Stock Waterfalls and the Hewenden Viaduct. Details at tinyurl.com/yckxfkzw

Gas Sign

Still finding weird stuff to shot, post apocalyptic style

It gets your stomach churning: the team wading through nappies to clean up Balis waterways


In the summer holidays of my youth I earned pennies from the narrowboats and pleasure craft by opening the swing bridges on the Leeds-Liverpool canal, the coins thrown by the skipper as he or she sailed slowly through. We boys weren't allowed to handle the complex lock systems that dot this lovely English waterway.

Gleniffer Reserves and waterways management

There will be a review of the 5 year management plan of the Gleniffer Reserves. A meeting will be held at the Gleniffer Hall on Tuesday 23rd January from 9.30am to 12 noon.

Once residents and visitors have frequented the local watering holes in Bellingen, the swimming holes at Gleniffer are the main thing to do on a hot day. The mass tourism is funneled via ' the tourist drive'. The scenic country road has just been reconstructed into a highway-like infrastructure. Motorists are now enticed to race from the watering hole to the swimming hole. Cars park as close as possible to the small creeks and unload dogs and gear. The unwanted waste is commonly left behind for the local wildlife and the next load of visitors.

The reserves have a lot of car parking infrastructure and educational signage about settler explorers now.

A "Go before you go campaign urges visitors to go to a public toilet before leaving the township. Many motorists/swimmers forget and the dogs can't read.

The 'upgrade' of Gleniffer road channeled the flow of visitors into local waterways that have no toilets.

: Wombourne Bridge 43
: road bridge
: Photo by Howard Dickins on Flickr

Beach Steps

Askam-in-Furness coast


Beach Ramp

Silloth Coast


Seashore Railings


Rock Pool

Water Outlet

My quest to find weird stuff to get fun shots from continues

Ramp Seaward

New on the blog: Montreals Summer Boats Revisted:

The poor old boat seems to get left out of transit discussions around here, but they open up some exciting opportunities. So, lets talk about the humble boats.

A new USGS study found that airport ice control products may result in elevated levels in downstream from the airport despite airport efforts to contain these products.

A new USGS study found that airport ice control products may result in elevated levels in downstream from the airport despite airport efforts to contain these products.

Coastal Past

Old mooring posts (), appearing at low tide on inlet at Workington

Coastal Arch

Coastal Concrete

Moody skies suit the harsh concrete shore.

New Zealand Freshwater Study Sounds Alarm Over E Coli and other Pollution Levels water quality
<-- shared media article
<-- shared technical report

Anchor Away

(Well, it's far away from a boat at least )

"New Zealand freshwater study sounds alarm over E coli pollution levels"

There's a nice documentary about the Dairy industry in NZ:

Petition: Demand Norfolk Southern Complete a Full and Thorough Cleanup of Waterways

Rough Seas and Cloudy Skies

My map for the (Black & White, only two colors allowed). Shows waterways and boundary data for India. Thankful for and for hosting and serving accessible data.

Rust and Waves

Lone Gull

It was flying sideways with the wind

Irrigators in have withdrawn the equivalent of 16,000 Olympic swimming pools worth of over their allowed limits from throughout the state.

Theres a Big Problem With Your Cars Tires
"Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency formally acknowledged the ecological damage wreaked by tire pollution. The agency announced that it would investigate the toxicity of 6PPD, a necessary step toward a potential ban on its widespread use in tire manufacturing. According to knowledgeable people I checked with, this is the first time that a federal agency has formally considered tires ecological harm. At long last, the U.S. is thinking beyond the tailpipe to examine hidden ways that cars befoul the planet."

To Fight Microplastic Pollution, EU Needs Strong Tyre Emissions Legislation

"Every year, about two billion tyres are produced worldwide."
"EVs have about 20 per cent higher tyre wear emissions because they're typically 400kgs heavier."

Jungle Temple of Tiger Monks

Hidden within the lush jungle is a sacred temple where tiger monks meditate amidst enchanted waterways Animals flock to witness the holy site guarded by mythical creatures' hideouts
See More Seeds:


'Thames Water sewage discharges in Berkshire during Storm Ciaran'

'Thames Water says it plans to spend some 1.6 billion on upgrading its infrastructure. But it was also reported earlier this year to be struggling to pay off some 14 billion of debt and has been criticised for paying millions of pounds in dividends each year to its internal shareholders.'

Kevin Dale, Right Homes in the Right Place, on X

This is what the looks like.

We need to look at

Did you know that raw sewage is being dumped into English waterways the equivalent of 800 times a day Water companies treat our blue spaces like an open sewer. Meanwhile government and regulators continue to turn a blind eye. This needs to stop. If you're like me and agree that PM Rishi Sunak should take action to stop sewage pollution in UK rivers and beaches, can you add your name

'England to diverge from EU water monitoring standards'

No doubt a reaction to

Ramblings: 24th July 2023.
Findern, Trent and Mersey Canal.

Many lights, crossing the Merwedecanal in Utrecht
